“Arim Roshi” is a dedicated and unique association for women who have been exposed to traumatic experiences related to their military or security service, either during regular duty or while serving in the reserves. The association provides assistance to women from all branches of the security forces, whether or not they are officially recognized by the Rehabilitation Division of the Ministry of Defense.
Women with PTSD stemming from a military background have distinct characteristics and needs, yet there is currently no organization in Israel specifically addressing these women in a gender-sensitive manner. “Arim Roshi” is the first and only non-profit organization in Israel that exclusively supports women, tailoring its programs to meet their unique needs.
The organization was founded in response to the growing gap between the increasing number of women with PTSD related to their military service and the limited treatment options available. “Arim Roshi” offers support, assistance, and guidance to its community of women through both group and individual approaches.
The association’s activities are focused on fostering a sense of belonging, providing social support, offering recognition and validation, enhancing personal resilience, and equipping women with the tools to navigate life’s challenges. All of this is done with careful attention to the unique needs of women, with the ultimate goal of fostering hope and empowering them to live lives of meaning and functionality.
our activities
A socially supportive women's community
Building a community of women who face similar challenges and shared experiences in order to produce normalization, recognition, empowerment and hope
Workshops and retreats
One day/multiple-day group meetings that combine workshops from the worlds of mind-body therapy to increase resilience, acquire coping tools, personal growth and improve life functions
Personal support
Providing personal assistance according to needs in various and diverse subjects (recognition processes in the Ministry of Defense, bureaucracy, exhausting rights, referral to professional bodies, etc.)
The association’s activity is accompanied by academic research that is pioneering research in the field of a gender-adapted intervention program for women dealing with PTSD on a military background